Hacktoberfest Contributor Showcase

Contributor List

How to Contribute

Welcome to the Hacktoberfest Contributor Showcase! We invite you to add your profile to our list:

  1. Fork this repository on GitHub by clicking the "Fork" button at the top-right of this page.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine using Git:
git clone https://github.com/kartikey-codes/hacktoberfest-ContributorShowcase.git
  1. Edit the index.html file to add your information to the list.

In the index.html file, you will find a section for contributors. Add your information in the following format:

    <li><strong>Your Name</strong> - Hobby: Your Hobby, 
<a href="https://github.com/your-github-username" target="_blank">GitHub Profile</a></li>

Replace Your Name with your name, Your Hobby with your hobby or interest, and your-github-username with your GitHub username.

  1. Commit your changes with a meaningful message (e.g., "Added my profile"):
git add index.html
    git commit -m "Added my profile"
  1. Push the changes to your GitHub repository:
git push origin main
  1. Create a Pull Request (PR) from your forked repository to this main repository on GitHub.

To get approval of the pull request much quicker and faster (`Follow Me`)🚀

Don't forget to star this repository to show your support!

I will review your PR, and once approved, your profile will appear on this page!

Thank you for contributing to the Hacktoberfest Contributor Showcase. Let's celebrate your participation!